Original name: Kabak Salatasi

Origin: Turkey

5 zucchini grated and drained
150 gr walnuts cut in small pieces
1 big onion chopped
1 spoon of isot (kurdish aromatic red pepper)
500 gr plain white yogurt
200 gr greek yogurt
2-3 cloves of garlic, smashed
½ glass extra virgin olive oil

Fry onion and walnuts in a pan with olive oil until the onions change color. Add the zucchini and continuously mix until zucchini is totally cooked. Add the salt and isot and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool down. In the meanwhile prepare the yogurt sauce: mix yogurt naturale, yogurt greco, a little bit salt, mashed garlic and 3 spoons of olive oil. 15 minutes before serving put yogurt on top of the zucchini mix.